At the Bixby vs. Jenks football game, Bixby teacher Tiger West was presented a check for Science and Math education for Bixby High School by the people of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas.

This support will be benefiting Bixby STEM programs and teachers. Tiger West is one of the staff members benefiting from the donation. Legislators Rep. Stan May and Sen. Dave Rader were also in attendance for the presentation.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your hobbies, your passions.
My hobbies and my passions are: first, spending time with my family. That means the most to me. Secondly, I like being able to share my experiences and my knowledge with my students and see the joy in their eyes when they get to accomplish something that they didn’t know they could. I’m also a huge sports guy and I love coaching, working with drones and computers/technology.

What classes do/did you teach?
I currently teach two classes. One is Aviation Technology and the other is Drone Technology at Bixby High School. In the past I’ve done Cyber Security, Computer Science, and Apps Creator.

Where did you go to college and what led you into teaching?
I went to college at Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva and Northern Oklahoma College in Tonkawa. I got into teaching because of my love of coaching and teaching the younger generation. I felt it was a career I would enjoy going to everyday and I cannot see myself doing anything else.

Who mentored you into the educator you are today?
I’ve had several other educators that have mentored me. Rob Lancaster, Cindy Black are major contributors, and multiple other teachers who have allowed me come into their classroom and watch how they work with their students and their classroom management procedures.

What do you love about teaching?
One of the benefits of the classes I teach is my students WANT to come to my classroom. Our classes are fun, challenging, entertaining and have “real-world” value. The students understand what they learn in my classes could lead into amazing and cutting-edge careers.

What is great about your current school?
My school is Bixby High school, if you’re from Oklahoma, you KNOW about Bixby! We are on the leading edge of opportunities for students who are looking for more options when it comes to their future.

The People of Oklahoma Oil and Natural Gas are committed to supporting STEM education. Why is teaching Science and Math so important?
Some of the classes I lead are S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) based classes and so much more. I love that my classes are “hands-on” style classes, not boring like other ‘sit-and-take notes’ classes, where students spend more time day dreaming than listening. (no offense to those who have to do that), but I have the GREATEST classes at Bixby. Almost daily, other teachers tell me they wish they could take my classes. If you haven’t yet signed up for my classes, DO IT NOW BEFORE IT FILLS UP and you miss out!
